This full day workshop will be held primarily to train laboratory inspectors, but anybody is welcome to attend. The morning session will be designed as an intensive course on how to perform laboratory inspections in general, and specifically for laboratories doing different types of testing. The afternoon session will feature a talk on the top 10 citations and common deficiencies as well as an update on ASHI's travel policy. A round table exercise will be held to discuss real life inspector scenarios.
This session will provide broad perspectives on the history, contemporary era, and future of immunogenetics. It will open with historical perspectives on the immunogenetics of disease, followed by modern immunogenetic perspectives on Type-1-Diabetes, infectious disease, and adverse drug reactions. The second half of the session will showcase new approaches for understanding the evolution and organization of the HLA region, the impact of archaic gene variants on the immunity of modern humans, and novel insights into KIR-HLA and CD8-NK cell interactions. Session developed by Steve Mack, program planning committee. To learn more please click here.
This invitation only reception is to welcome ASHI's Annual Meeting first time attendees and new members of ASHI as of September 1, 2023.
In this session, key leaders in the field of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics will navigate us through the history and evolution of our society, detailing how our mission to serve transplant patients required us to move beyond less-than-optimal methodologies, understand the challenging biology and overcome clinical obstacles through multidisciplinary collaborative efforts.
Session developed by Marcelo Fernandez-Vina and Howie Gebel, program planning committee. To learn more please click here.
Celebrate the kickoff of the 50th Annual Meeting while visiting with ASHI Exhibitors, poster presenters. Enjoy light fare and drinks while you make new connections.