Gift of Hope Organ & Tissue Donor Network
Julie Houp, MS, CHS
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Joseph Ladowski, MD, PhD
Duke University
Massimo Mangiola, PhD, A(ACHI)
NYU Langone Health
Doreen Sese, CHS
NYU Langone | Transplant Institute
Xenotransplantation, long regarded as the perpetual future of organ transplantation, has recently undergone a notable resurgence. In the past five years, we have seen the clinical implementation of heart and kidney xenografts in living human recipients. If successful, this approach will not only alleviate the critical shortage of transplantable organs but also present new challenges and opportunities for the transplantation and histocompatibility communities. Key among these challenges is determining how to select and effectively match patients with genetically engineered pig donors. In this session, we will examine the clinical need for xenotransplantation, the complexities and challenges of using pigs as organ donors, current strategies for assessing histocompatibility in the context of xenotransplantation, and future directions for xenocompatibility testing.
Session developed by Anne Halpin, Luis Hidalgo, James Lan and Rob Liwski, program planning committee.
Speaker: Joseph Ladowski, MD, PhD – Duke University
Speaker: Sam Ho, PhD, F(ACHI), FADLM – Gift of Hope Organ & Tissue Donor Network
Speaker: Julie Houp, MS, CHS – University of Alabama at Birmingham
Speaker: Massimo Mangiola, PhD, A(ACHI) – NYU Langone Health